

Matforgiftning er en sykdom med kvalme, oppkast, magesmerter, diaré og noen ganger feber.

Matforgiftning forekommer ganske ofte, og en regner at 1 av 4 vil oppleve slike plager i løpet av et år.

Sist oppdatert:

28. des. 2021

Dette dokumentet er basert på det profesjonelle dokumentet Matforgiftninger . Referanselisten for dette dokumentet vises nedenfor

  1. Gamarra RM. Food poisoning. Medscape, last updated June 26, 2015.
  2. Folkehelseinstituttet. Hva kan smitte gjennom mat og vann? Sist oppdatert 05.09.2018. fhi.no
  3. American Medical Association, American Nurses Association/American Nurses Foundation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, et al. Diagnosis and management of foodborne illnesses: a primer for physicians and other health care professionals. MMWR Recomm Rep 2004; 53: 1-33. PubMed
  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Preliminary FoodNet data on the incidence of infections with pathogens transmitted commonly through food: 10 states, United States, 2006. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2007; 56: 336-9. PubMed
  5. Logan NA. Bacillus and relatives in foodborne illness. J Appl Microbiol. 2012 Mar. 112(3):417-29.
  6. Switaj TL, Winter KJ, Christensen SR. Diagnosis and Management of Foodborne Illness. Am Fam Physician. 2015;92(5):358-365. PubMed