
Temporomandibulær dysfunksjon (TMD)

Temporomandibulær dysfunksjon er en fellesbetegnelse for dysfunksjon og smerte i tyggemuskulatur og/eller kjeveleddet med omliggende strukturer. Smerten forverres ved tygging og ofte er det smertefullt å gape.

Kjevesmerter kan ha flere årsaker. Hos noen antas det at tilstanden skyldes stress og anspent bruk av kjevemuskulaturen.

Sist oppdatert:

8. mars 2024

Dette dokumentet er basert på det profesjonelle dokumentet Temporomandibulær dysfunksjon . Referanselisten for dette dokumentet vises nedenfor

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  18. Felin GC, Tagliari CVDC, Agostini BA, Collares K. Prevalence of psychological disorders in patients with temporomandibular disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Prosthet Dent 2022; 13: S0022-3913(22)00482-6. pmid:36114016 PubMed
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  20. Yao L, Sadeghirad B, Li M, et al. Management of chronic pain secondary to temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised trials. BMJ. 2023; 383: e076226. PMID: 38101924 PubMed
  21. Minervini G, Franco R, Crimi S, Di Blasio M, et al2024. Pharmacological therapy in the management of temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Oral Health 2024; 24(1): 78. pmid:38218874 PubMed
  22. Xie Y, Zhao K, Ye G, Yao X, et al. Effectiveness of Intra-Articular Injections of Sodium Hyaluronate, Corticosteroids, Platelet-Rich Plasma on Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Evid Based Dent Pract 2022; 22(3): 101720. pmid:36162894 PubMed
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  24. Louw WF, Reeves KD, Lam SKH, et al. Treatment of temporomandibular dysfunction with hypertonic dextrose injection (prolotherapy): A randomized controlled trial with long-term partial crossover. Mayo Clin Proc 2019 May; 94:820 PMID: 30878157 PubMed
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  27. Wieckiewicz M, Boening K, Wiland P, Shiau YY, Paradowska-Stolarz A. Reported concepts for the treatment modalities and pain management of temporomandibular disorders. J Headache Pain. 2015;16:106. PubMed
  28. Al-Moraissi EA, Farea R, Qasem KA, Al-Wadeai MS, et al. Effectiveness of occlusal splint therapy in the management of temporomandibular disorders: network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2020; 49(8): 1042-1056. pmid:31982236 PubMed
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