Informasjon, veiviser

Syreplager, hva kan det være?

Syreplager er halsbrann eller brystbrann, sviende smerter øverst i magen og sure oppstøt. På fagspråket betegnes disse symptomene som reflukssymptomer.

Syreplager, eller refluksplager, er svært vanlige.

Sist oppdatert:

30. mai 2023

Dette dokumentet er basert på det profesjonelle dokumentet Gastroøsofageale reflukssymptomer . Referanselisten for dette dokumentet vises nedenfor

  1. Vakil N. Assessment of dyspepsia. BMJ BestPractice, last updated 18 Jan 2022. bestpractice.bmj.com
  2. Eusebi LH, Ratnakumaran R, Yuan Y, Solaymani-Dodaran M, Bazzoli F, Ford AC. Global prevalence of, and risk factors for, gastro-oesophageal reflux symptoms: a meta-analysis. Gut. 2018;67(3):430-440. PubMed
  3. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and dyspepsia in adults: investigation and management. NICE. Last updated: 18 October 2019. www.nice.org.uk
  4. Chassany O, Shaheen NJ, Karlsson M, et al. Systematic review: symptom assessment using patient-reported outcomes in gastroesophageal reflux disease and dyspepsia. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2012;47:1412-1421. PubMed
  5. Sigterman KE, Pinxteren B van, Bonis PA, Lau J, Numans ME. Short term treatment with proton pump inhibitors, H2-receptor antagonists and prokinetics for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease-like symptoms and endoscopy negative reflux disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews : Issue 6 of 12, June 2013, CD002095.pub5. Cochrane (DOI)