
Du blir aldri for gammel til å trene

Det er aldri for sent å begynne å trene. Tvert i mot. For mange eldre vil helsegevinsten være større enn for yngre.

Styrketrening er den viktigste treningsformen for eldre.


Merethe Kvam, journalist. Godkjent av medisinsk redaktør.

Sist oppdatert:

23. juni 2020

  1. Helsedirektoratet: Statistikk om fysisk aktivitetsnivå og stillesitting helsedirektoratet.no
  2. Nelson ME, Rejeski J, Blair SN et al. Physical Activity and Public Health in Older Adults Recommendation From the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association. Circulation 2007; 116: 1094-1105. www.ahajournals.org
  3. Helsedirektoratet: Anbefalinger fysisk aktivitet helsedirektoratet.no
  4. Falck RS, Davis JC, Liu-Ambrose T. What is the association between sedentary behaviour and cognitive function? A systematic review.. Br J. Sportsmed 2017; 51 (10): 800-811. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
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  6. Guozhu Lee P, Jackson EA, Richardson CR. Exercise Prescriptions in Older Adults. Am Fam Physician 2017; 95 (7): 425-432. www.aafp.org
  7. Aoyagi Y., Shephard R.J.. A model to estimate the potential for a physical activity-induced reduction in healthcare costs for the elderly, based on pedometer/accelerometer data from the Nakanojo Study.. Sports Med 2011; 41: 695–708. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  8. World Health Organization: Physical Activity and Older Adults www.who.int